Günni's Holiday-QSL-Cards
The hobby "amateur radio" - on
vacation carried out - helps to hold contact with the world from
time to time. Often receives the selfbuilt "Triple leg", a
vertical wire antenna for the 20m-band the advantage. Built up
quick, uncomplicated and easily with the 10-m-high glass
fiber-tower, quite a lot of non-European calls succeed with 100 W
of broadcasting achievement in SSB from Kenwood-Transceiver
- Burgsvik at the south end of Gotland (EU-020)
On the right: 2009 - Island Kökar (EU-002), Åland
The QSL-card, a written confirmation of the effected
radiocommunication, rounds the contact.
With this card amateurradio-contacts from home will be
This QSL-card gets the more meaning if, besides, was broadcast by
an island. In the beginning printed cardboard was used, later the
home-made holiday snaps found use.
2021 - Schwedische Westküste:
Strömstad, Bjälveröds Camping
Swedish westcoast, south of Strömstad.
108 QSOs, mainly within Europe.
2014 - Swedish westcoast: Strömstad, Bjälveröds Camping
Swedish westcoast, south of Strömstad.
Few radio contacts within Europe.
2012 - Swedish westcoast: Silence and some more fishing
Swedish westcoast, south of Strömstad. A lot of time used
to relax what was not valid, nevertheless, for the
So the electric smoked oven was in action often.
Because of a demaged TRX in
2011 no radio contacts were possible, this year 44 QSO's came
into the log. Beside contacts with own regional club-members
and various British Olympia's stations as well as other radio
stations in Europe also 9M6 (east Malaysia), 7 X (Algeria) and
5B (Cyprus) were reached.
2010 - Swedish westcoast: Silence
and some fishing
Swedish westcoast,
south of Strömstad. More time for being lazy and fishing
needs, than to the use amateurradio.
Few radio contacts within Europe.
2009 -
Island-Hopping about the Åland archipelago to Finland and
The first location on the west side of the main
119 connections from the island Vardö (EU-002) on two
in Käringsund on Eckerö - 40 radio contacts in 1
including 2x Japan, (YES!), the USA
(W7) and once more
within Canada (VY2),
Dubai (A6) and Saudi Arabia (HZ)
The third island stop on
Kumlinge (EU-002):
The fourth island stop on
Brändö (EU-002):
76 radio contacts, including China (BD), Japan, (JA),
47 radio contacts, with Indonesia
(YB), Canada (VY2)
Kuweit (9K), the Central African Republic (TL)
the USA (N1)
and Namibia
10 radio contacts of Merikarvia from the
302 radio contacts on two days of
the island Reposaari
Southwest coast Finland, within Swaziland (3DA)
to Pori, including 4x Japan, (JA), Thailand (HS),
Canada (VE) and the USA (W9)
on Kökar (EU-002):
The seventh island stop on Föglö (EU-002):
195 radio contacts on two days, within 14x Japan, (JA),
166 radio
contacts in 4 hours, among other things with
2x Indonesia (YB), 2x Canada (VE) and 3x USA
Tajikistan (EY), Japan (JA) and India (VU)
The eighth island stop on the southwest side of the main
island in Degersand on Eckerö (EU-002):
154 radio contacts on three days, including 6x Japan (JA) and
2x Israel (4 X)
2008 - Tour over
the Island Gotland (EU-020)
122 radio contacts from to
12 radio contacts from Ljugarn
belonging island Fårö (EU-020) in the north
(East coast of Gotland, EU-020)
radio contacts from the south end ofGotland
12 connections of Sandhamn in Gotlands
within China (BD), India (VU) and Korea (HL)
within 2x USA
2007 - Sweden (between Vättern
and Vänern and on the west coast)
Radio station was mounted in: Mariestad at lake
Vänern and Strömstad at the west coast
2006 - Tour Finland and Sweden
In Finland the radio station was established in two
locations: Savonlinna in the southeast and Rovaniemi in
south Lappland.
58 radio contacts on two days from the island
Seskarö (EU-139)
with other European amateur radio stations.
2004 - Åland Islands
64 speech radio contacts of 3 different locations
(Alebo/Eckerö; Mariehamn; Degersand/Eckerö).
In the IOTA-contest radiocontact with Taiwan.
97 speech radio contacts in only two hours of Gräsö
(EU-084) with other European radio stations.