Bremen - Puttgarden/Rödby (F) -
Helsingör/Helsingborg (F) - Sommen - Hjälmaren - Mariefred -
Väddö - Strömstad - Helsingborg/Helsingör (F) -
Rödby/Puttgarden (F) - Bremen
The caravan "Eriba Swing 465" has the right length for travel and
offers good comfort for sleeping and living during long trips. The
caravan is uploaded to 1.500kg, so there is a lot of reserve for any
The picture below shows car and caravan on a rest place in Denmark,
which often is used as breakpoint on the way to Scandinavia.

Lake Sommen lies to the east of the Vättern. In the same named
small village at the north end of the lake live Sonja and Martin. Our
Swedish linguistic proficiency which it taught earlier in Bremen
evening classes is to be owed to her. In the area rich in wood all
around Sommen many wild animals are to be found. In the town coat of
arms of Trannås, the district capital 10 km away, the cranes are
illustrated,who often rest here on the meadows.
With a high afternoon excursion this snapshot could be made.

If one goes on the map of the north point of the Vättern to the
east, one bumps into a bigger lake, the Hjälmaren. Around on his
shores nice camping places are found.

The area of the Hjälmaren to Stockholm is passed through from
small and big castles which can be visited partly. In Mariefred stands
the castle Gripsholm which served many films as a background. Today the
castle accommodates - beside Stockholm - the Swedish gallerie.
The photo was taken from the camping place situated apart and shows the
castle and the place.

On the Swedish east coast, to the north of Stockholm in the area
Roslagen situated, the long-pulled island Väddö which is
separated by a canal of the mainland is found. At the north point lies
the city of Grislehamn. From here one can ship in a 2-hour
ferry-journey favourably to the Åland archipelago. Originally we
wanted to undertake a day trip on Åland islands, however, at
short notice this would have been possible only without car. Therefore,
we have shifted the visit to the year on it. Tip: On the Internet the
navigation line offers everyday with 5 departures 2 more favorable for
the caravans / campers which one must book, however, before absolutely
The picture shows the south point of Väddö which resolves in
many smaller islands.

From on the eastern side of the island Väddö recumbent
camping place one had clear view on the sea in the direction of
Åland islands / Finland.
The water temperatures of the Baltic Sea lay here with approx. 18°C.

Strömstad, on the Swedish west coast, was since the 80s our main
destination in summer with the children.
We know many friends since this time. However, an excursion belonged
always to the end of the tour after Bjälveröd camping.
Here we are to guest with Otto and Molli which were to be found on the
neighbour-camping place Daftö from May to September.

Besides, in a vacation by the sea one should absolutely have an
engine-done (tube) boat to be able to explore also the corners in the
Schären-garden which one cannot reach by car or ferry (to the
south of the Koster islands, e.g., bigger seal colonies) are found. In
summer one goes regularly out on the Schären to sun himself or to
cool in the sea. Importantly: Besides, personal security equipment
(life jacket, bilge pump, emergency rockets, phone, tools) NEVER
forget! Even if the sea area is familiar for many years, a sea map is
always aboard!

From the boat the coastal scenery of quite an other side discloses.
Here a photo of the sea entrance to Strömstad. On the right the
ferry to Sandefjord which maintains a connection to Norway.

From the end of July the mackerel arrives at smaller and bigger shoals
in the Kosterfrord and hunts the small fish schools. Besides are cod to
find sea-salmon, ling, dogfish, horn-rimmed pike and other one. As our
children still went they wrote in a postcard to friends: "The disaster
comes! Dad catches so much that we must eat fish every day!"
Unfortunately, the fish continuance has decreased during the years
A fresh, even smoked mackerel enriches of course tremendously the
holiday kitchen and tastes excellently.

However, with the electric smoked stove other lusciousness can be also
prepared. Our children know deep-sea shrimps who are called on in
Swedish "Räkor", only smoked. To the holiday conclusion in
Strömstad there is always a dinner with "Rökt Räkor".

On crossing the Öresunds the castle from
Helsingör greets as a first, before entrance in
the harbour on Danish side. Even if are still to be driven more than
400 kilometres to Bremen and still the last overnight stay stands in a
queue in Denmark, the vacation is - at this point - according to
feeling, actually, always to an end.