Bremen - Puttgarden/Rödby (F) -
Helsingör/Heslingborg (F) - Hjo (Vättern) - Habo (Vättern) - Mariestad
(Vänern) - Strömstad -
Helsingborg/Helsingör (F) - Rödby/Puttgarden (F) - Bremen
On the west side of the Vättern you can find the place Hjo with
a nice camping place - which lies directly on the shore of the lake.
Also one can stand on the camping place in the "first row", and "with
the second one one sees" the other sea shore even better.
After a short walk along the sea shore (approx. 500m) one
reaches of the camping place in the local centre and to the harbour.
Approx. 50 km to the south of Hjo and northwesterly from
Jönköping - something off the main thoroughfares, however, absolutely worth seeing -
lies the small place Habo with his wooden church.
The inside of the wooden church is filled completely with
painting. Guidances are offered.
Along the Vättern the small yachtsman's harbours who invite to a
rest and unique views of the lake are found over and over again
To the north of Mariestad, on the east shore of the Vänern situated,
one comes to a row of islands which are practicable by car / bicycle.
Something off the ferry-stop to Brommö (autotransport only with
approval) the view can be enjoyed by Trosö on the Vänern.

It was very windy, but the rest and this view have compensated for

Far in the background Hunneberg and Hälleberg let assume itself.

Finally, after two years the rubber dinghy was assembled again and it
went out to the fishing! Past in the physical harbour of Rassö on the
Swedish west coast, to the south of Strömstad.

Out on the Kosterfjord, with a water depth of 200 - 300 m the system of
5 mackerel-hooks with 200gr. weight of lead allow to drop approx.
5 - 10 m and catch up directly the hinge again - serrate - and
mostly in all hooks a mackerel. After approx. 1 hour fishing had to be
finished, because in the meantime the fish jump out of the full
bucket and hop through the boat.

The catch can be seen.
The cleaned fish became salted and were smoked. This year the whole
stock of smoke chips was puffed "by the chimney" (5 l
of bucket) on vacation.

On the return journey of the hinge reasons this pennon struck me (a
double click on the picture increases it). Uusually Scandinavians draw
up a national flag or a pennon if they are at home. Here a Norwegian
seems to own a Stuga (log cabin) in Sweden ... or should it concern
here a flag of "Schwegen"?