Bremen - Dierhagen (Fischland) - Schaprode (Rügen) - Nonnevitz (Rügen)
- Nipmerow (Rügen) -
Rerik - Bremen
Easter fell in March and was very early this year. However, as
during the past years also we started only at the beginning of April
with our short trip to Rügen. The camping places were opened,
however, the vacationer's rush kept very much to a certain extent.
To form the journey after Rügen appropriate for vacation, we preserved an
interstop in Dierhagen on Fischland to
Having come in Schaprode, the weather inserted a short pause - an ideal
opportunity to visit the spirit-distill in Lieschow, the pottery in
Wusse, the church in Waase, and the home museum in Gingst. Practically:
In the cooker integrated waffle iron with prescription.
From Schaprode it went over on the island Hiddensee by
ship. We went to Neuendorf of board and walked on the beach to Vitte.
This felt also well in such a way, because as a result there was the
following to report: Our first amber finding!

Return to Schaprode with the ferry.
The look from the caravan to the west - especially in
the beginning of the dusk the beacon in the
evening - was indescribable. Sundown
about Hiddensee
lighthouse brier on Hiddensee was
also lighted.

The rainbow camp in Nonnevitz completely in the north Rügens lies in
the wood, directly after the wide beach

By bicycle it went of Nonnevitz to Cap Arkona

Not fare away from Cap Arkona the small fishing place Vitt can be find
with good view of the marine bearing tower and the Arkona chalk rocks.
An other bicycle tour - outgoing from Nonnevitz -
Afterwards there was one more stop in
the Wieker Bodden
first led us to Dranske with a good view of
with a small fish

Service is written LARGELY on the
camping place in Nipmerow: Not only that we got fresh bread delivered
on time every morning as the only guests
on the place, but there was also an excellently travelling tip by the
nature reserve Jasmund and a superfavorable shuttle to Sassnitz! During
the Störtebeker festival there is also a shuttle to and from Ralswiek,
and with the map procurement one is also helpful!
The long rain period had made soft the chalk coast that new demolitions
had to be blocked off over and over again.

Though the footpath went constantly uphill and downhill, but the view
was overpowering.

The Viktoria's view - in look width to the Königstuhl - rises more than
100 m over the sea.

... and the Königstuhl. Aim of many holiday ships of Sassnitz outgoing.
About a wooden stair down one can reach directly to the sea. But care:
Afterwards, finally, one must also climb up just 600 steps again!
After a 3 km of walk one can reach the parking bay situated in Hagen -
or, nevertheless, takes rather immediately the line coach.